Core Values

  • Honor God

    We commit to recognizing, revering, and aligning our actions with principles that honor and reflect God.

  • Integrity

    We prioritize honesty, transparency, and ethical conduct in every action. We do the right thing even when no one is looking.

  • Excellence

    We strive for continuous improvement and unparalleled quality in all endeavors, setting high standards, embracing innovation, and dedicating ourselves to achieving greatness with a relentless pursuit of excellence.

  • Knowledge

    We believe true knowledge surpasses the value of any material possession or gear on the planet. We prioritize continuous learning, wisdom, and intellectual growth as the foundation for success.

  • Adventure

    We believe the adventure is more important than the planning. We prioritize embracing spontaneity, valuing the journey over meticulous plans, and finding inspiration and growth in the unexpected twists of exploration and discovery.

  • Respect

    We embrace the idea that dangerous things shouldn't be avoided, but respected. We cultivate a mindset that acknowledges challenges, encourages courage in facing them, and values a respectful approach to navigate risks.